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2013-09-09 September
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
September 9, 2013
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:05PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza and Pam Haman.

A member of the Recreation Commission meet with the Commissioners to discuss the use of the Town Common on Oct 25-25, 2013 for a Fall Festival in junction with the library.  The Commissioners had positive feedback on the event and thought the Common would be a good venue for it.  The Recreation Comm. would take care of clean up and have extra police patrolling.  Roger will coordinate lights and set up with the Recreation Dept.  John Barrett made a motion to allow the Recreation Commission to use the Town Common for their Fall Festival on October 25 & 26, 2013.  Ray seconded all were in favor motion carried.

John Barrett requested that the Commissioners allow a 1776 military encampment on Saturday Sept 14th at Howard Park during the Historic Society Arts and Craft Fair.  Ray Boyes made a motion to allow the Military Regiment to use Howard Park.  Tubby Boucher second all were in favor motion carried.

Roger approached the Commissioners about converting the lights on the Common to LED lighting.  After a brief discussion the Commissioners felt that they would keep the lighting the easy it is.

A discussion was held on painting the fence at Riverside Cemetery.  Roger reminded everyone that fence is currently sealed and painting the fence will cause it to peal.  Roger also brought to the Commissioners attention that he has been unable to use pesticides to deal with the weed and poison ivy problem at Riverside.  John asks that Roger look into this issue with Conservation Commission.

The department briefly reviewed the town’s policy on “gifts”.

Roger will submit the article to get the monies back from the sale of timber.

Next meeting 10/07/13

Meeting adjourned 8:30PM.


Pam Haman